Yesterday evening, shortly after the coronation of his royal highness King of The Netherlands Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, Armin van Buuren did a special live performance in front of the new crowned monarchs and 15.000 fans. Together with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, he performed both ‘The Bolero’ as well as an orchestral version of the title track of his upcoming album ‘Intense’. During the ‘koningsvaart’, a special, cultural boat-trip in the city of Amsterdam, the King and Queen surprised both the crowd as well as the artists by getting on stage and dancing along.
Millions of Dutch people dressed in orange yesterday, celebrating a once-in-a-generation milestone for the country. After 33 years of reign, Queen Beatrix abdicated in favor of Willem-Alexander. The King and his Queen Máxima had asked Armin van Buuren to be part of the musical program on April 30th 2013. After weeks of rehearsal, the world’s number one DJ and one of the world’s best orchestra’s came up with a flowing mix of electronic dance music and classical music. The new crowned King and Queen and their three princess daughters spontaneously decided to hop on stage and shake hands with Armin, as well as welcome the thousands of people in the crowd.
5.000.000 people watched Armin’s performance live on TV.